Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 1B: 01/07/18 (Overnight) - "AN UNAUTHORIZED UNLOCKING"

During the first few hours of my chastity imprisonment, I went through a number of different experiences:

(1.) After struggling to keep my erections at bay during the initial lubrication and assembly, I was finally able to get everything into place by filling my mind with ordinary, unrelated thoughts as I quickly slide the 'cage' over my unsuspecting, and still flaccid, penis. This effective 'trick' reminded me of how I deceive my cat by I luring him into his carrier only to immediately close the door behind him before he realizes what has happened.

(2.) The first clicking of the lock gave me a profound feeling of helplessness as I next sealed the chastity keys into an envelope bearing an old picture of Auntie with the words "PROPERTY OF AUNTIE HELGA" on the front, and "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL AUNTIE SAYS SO" on the back.

(3.) Although excited and eager to please Auntie right from the beginning, I got the sense that things did not feel quite right early on. Although I'd previously worn my chastity device in the past, it was always usually for just a short while during the warmer months of the year (spring / summer). The temperatures on such days would be much higher than it is now. These warmer conditions would directly affected how my testicles hung. Specifically, my scrotum is apt to sagging much more as the sac's skin itself is thinner and much more pliable. That being said, I was ill prepared when I decided to slide the ring of my chastity device behind my testes last night. In hindsight I should have taken a long, hot shower to allow my testicles to descend, but instead I rushed things and it led to an improper and uncomfortable installation.

(4.) I continued to re-apply lubrication around my scrotum but it did not prevent my skin from feeling irritated. As the condition intensified, I ultimately held out as long as I could before arriving at the decision to break my chastity commitment. Unfortunately, I had to do it without Auntie's permission since it was in the wee hours of the night. I felt rather contrite about it since I had such a strong desire to make Auntie proud that I was able to make it through my first night without incident.

(5.) After removing the ring, I quickly realized what the problem was. It became obvious that despite having my testicles properly through the ring, the scrotum itself was only half-way through. The skin of the part that was inside the ring was very tender and red, and there was an obvious mark around it. I applied aloe to the affected area in hopes that it will feel good enough in the morning (after a shower) to be put back into chastity.

(6.) I remorsefully messaged Auntie to confess about what happened. I am hoping she is not cross with me as this was not the first impression I was hoping to make!

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